Climate change impacts on water quantity of Talomo-Lipadas watersheds areas, Davao City, Philippines
The study aims to quantify climate change impacts to water quantity of Talomo Lipadas Watershed, Davao City, Philippines in three time slice period of 2020 (2011-
2040); 2050 (2041-2070); and 2080 (2071-2100). The research methods are Statistical
Downscaling Method (SDSM), Brook 90 hydrological model, per capita method for
station climate projection, recharge, and water demand projection; respectively.
Results revealed that months of March and April are likely to experience intense
temperature of 31.54 and 32.13 °C, respectively specifically for time slice period of 2020.
The increase is sustained even until time slice period of 2050 and 2080, respectively. The
watersheds are expected to be drier. For precipitation, findings showed a remarkable
increase of 38.79%, 28.15% and 24.84% for 2020, 2050, and 2050, respectively. The
month of March and April has the lowest peak flow sustaining for three time slice period.
Findings revealed that the projected water demand is increasing from 101.26%, 228.18%,
and 355.10% for the slice period of 2020, 2050, and 2080; respectively. Furthermore, it is
projected that there would be water deficit of -31.22 and -91.52 MCM for time slice
period of 2050 and 2080.
Keywords: Statistical Downscaling Method, Brook 90 hydrological model, Talomo Lipadas Watersheds