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dc.contributor.authorHinampas, Pinky Jonnah R
dc.contributor.authorMarron, Keziah Bave M.
dc.contributor.authorConcepcion, Cathy J.
dc.descriptionIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Major in ENGLISHen_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the study is to identify the level of anxiety among English secondary pre-service teachers. The respondents of this study were 30 English secondary pre-service teachers enrolled in a private institution in Davao City. The respondents were asked to respond to a modified survey questionnaire. They were evenly selected regardless of the gender and age to gather enough information that is reliable on the study. This study is limited and focuses only on the level of anxieties of English interns. This is to give us an understanding on why English interns experience anxiety towards their chosen field. The researchers used the descriptive method, since its objective is to describe systematically a situation, condition or area of interest factually and accurately according to Castillo (2002). The findings derived from the quantitative data revealed that the level of anxiety among English secondary pre-service teachers was in moderate level. There were four potential major sources found for such anxiety namely: the secondary English pre-service teachers were overwhelmed with feeling to have too many things to deal with in terms of the number of rules that they must learn in speaking a language and they felt more anxious when they taught a skill in which they did not feel themselves competent enough. It was also found that they do not like writing class especially when they were asked to write an impromptu essay, but they still have the confidence that they can improve their writing on their own.The purpose of the study is to identify the level of anxiety among English secondary pre-service teachers. The respondents of this study were 30 English secondary pre-service teachers enrolled in a private institution in Davao City. The respondents were asked to respond to a modified survey questionnaire. They were evenly selected regardless of the gender and age to gather enough information that is reliable on the study. This study is limited and focuses only on the level of anxieties of English interns. This is to give us an understanding on why English interns experience anxiety towards their chosen field. The researchers used the descriptive method, since its objective is to describe systematically a situation, condition or area of interest factually and accurately according to Castillo (2002). The findings derived from the quantitative data revealed that the level of anxiety among English secondary pre-service teachers was in moderate level. There were four potential major sources found for such anxiety namely: the secondary English pre-service teachers were overwhelmed with feeling to have too many things to deal with in terms of the number of rules that they must learn in speaking a language and they felt more anxious when they taught a skill in which they did not feel themselves competent enough. It was also found that they do not like writing class especially when they were asked to write an impromptu essay, but they still have the confidence that they can improve their writing on their own. Finally, the study presented relevant suggestions and implications for reducing the level of anxiety among secondary pre service teachers. Keywords: Anxiety, English, and Pre-service Teachers Finally, the study presented relevant suggestions and implications for reducing the level of anxiety among secondary pre service teachers. Keywords: Anxiety, English, and Pre-service Teachersen_US
dc.rightsUniversity of Mindanao LICen_US
dc.subjectStudent teaching -- Psychological aspects.en_US
dc.subjectTeachers -- Training.en_US
dc.titleLevel of anxiety among English secondary pre-service teachersen_US
dc.description.ddcUDT 370.71 H58l 2018en_US
dc.description.xtntv, 47 leaves.en_US

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