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dc.contributor.advisorAntonio Tolentino, MAEd
dc.contributor.authorOberas, Charisse May B.
dc.contributor.authorPanado, Rudylyn A.
dc.contributor.authorParba, Mary Stefanny P.
dc.identifier.citationOberas, C., Panado, R., and Parba, M.(2021). Literary analysis on the novel “Hunger Games: The Mockingjay”: a readers response approach [Undergraduate Thesis, UM Tagum College].
dc.descriptionIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Englishen_US
dc.description.abstractThe focus of this study is to understand how the literary piece inspires the young adults and the effect of it on their perspectives. The qualitative nature of this study reveals insights on how would young adults think deeply and act on their social roles. The study used the qualitative method utilising readers response approach. The participants of the study were 14 college students. Purposive sampling was used for the data gathering. Analysis of the data reveals interesting themes regarding their perception towards the literary piece.en_US
dc.publisherBachelor of Secondary Education Major in Englishen_US
dc.rightsUM Tagum College LIC
dc.subjectDiscourse analyis, Literaryen_US
dc.titleLiterary analysis on the novel “Hunger Games: The Mockingjay”: a readers response approachen_US
dc.contributor.panelDan O. Gomez, Ph.D
dc.contributor.panelHazel Princess M. Rebollo, DBM
dc.description.xtntx, 91 pages

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