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dc.contributor.authorEspanueva, Rio Samantha M
dc.contributor.authorColoma, Christelle Joy C
dc.contributor.authorUtod, Angel Kyla T
dc.identifier.citationEspanueva, R. S. M., Coloma, C. J. C., & Utod, A. K. T. (2024). Influencers of propensity to save among pharmacists [Undergraduate Thesis]. University of Mindanao.en_US
dc.descriptionIn Partial Fulfillment for the Requirement of the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Financial Managementen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to determine the Propensity to Save among pharmacists in Davao City. It seeks to assess the level of personal and behavioral factors in terms of financial literacy, peer influence, and self-control and the level of propensity to save among pharmacists indicated by their saving habits. Descriptive-correlational research was used. The research instrument used in this study is a modified survey questionnaire adapted from a study of Hashim (2014) entitled, ―Factors that Influence Saving Habits among Gen Y: Case Study on students of Polytechnic Sultan Azlan Shah‖. The researchers applied the research sampling technique, non-probability, and purposive sampling method to acquire thirty (30) pharmacists as the respondents. The statistical tools utilized to analyze and interpret the data being gathered were mean and Pearson correlation coefficient. The findings demonstrate that financial literacy has a significant relationship with saving habits while peer influence and self-control reveal that there’s no significant relationship with saving habits among the pharmacists in Davao City. Overall, it explains that the financial literacy has a huge impact on the propensity to save among pharmacy professionals as it tells how this can be a tool for them to embody financial freedom and well-being to manage its own money effectively in the long-run.en_US
dc.publisherCollege of Business Administration Education - Financial Managementen_US
dc.subjectSocial media.en_US
dc.subjectInfluence (Psychology).en_US
dc.titleInfluencers of propensity to save among pharmacistsen_US

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