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dc.contributor.advisorDan O. Gomez, Ed.D
dc.contributor.authorPonsica, Gia Lorraine R.
dc.contributor.authorFlores, Annie Fe C.
dc.contributor.authorJavines, Christine C.
dc.identifier.citationPonsica, G., Javines, C., and Flores, A.(2021). Portrayal of women in k-drama: a feministic analyis on the identified TV series [Undergraduate Thesis, UM Tagum College].
dc.descriptionIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Englishen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study used qualitative approach particularly in phenomenological study, in which it they need to gather deep information and perceptions to the respondents of the study. In distinguishing the participants, the researchers used purposive sampling method to gather data to the participants. One of the aims of this study was to know the experiences of Kdrama viewers. The result of the analysis conducted in the interview such as revealing characterizations of women in the Korean Drama TV series, viewers‟ assessment on the literary relevance of portraying women in the Korean Drama TV series and the insights of the viewers on the portrayal of women in the Korean Drama TV series was established which lead to the viewers‟ different perspective towards gender representation in media. Also, this study sought on how the use of media contribute in the success of feminist movement. The result suggested that gender stereotype in Kdrama are not dead but they are making progress through representing new female roles. Thus, this study aimed at knowing their hopes and aspirations in raising gender inequalities issues and concerns.en_US
dc.publisherBachelor of Secondary Education Major in Englishen_US
dc.rightsUM Tagum College LIC
dc.titlePortrayal of women in k-drama: a feministic analyis on the identified TV seriesen_US
dc.contributor.panelJosel Elmer Officiar Jr., Ph.D
dc.contributor.panelHazel Princess M. Rebollo, DBM
dc.description.xtntxi, 110 pages; Includes Bibliographic References

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